Robert Juliat

Robert Juliat manufactures some of the world’s highest-performance theatrical luminaires, from the mighty Lancelot 4000W HTI followspot to the versatile Lutin 1000W washlight with its interchangeable Fresnel and PC lenses. More recently, Juliat has pioneered the entertainment-quality LED spotlight, first with the Aledin and now with the new Tibo and Zep fixtures.
Juliat fixtures are engineered for excellence. Robert Juliat profile spots use condenser optics, harnessing the maximum amount of light to give a flat, even beam with no hotspot and little fall off, ensuring a smooth cover and unsurpassed image projection. They are designed to be durable and easy to maintain, and to offer the highest standards of ergonomics, allowing them to be operated from any position.
They are also engineered to offer value for money, through the modular nature of the range, through the versatility of the zoom fixtures and through their long working life. They offer an excellent return on investment.

At the request of end users, Robert Juliat has transformed a series of simple products into a bespoke range of lighting tools by adding that special Robert Juliat touch. This series has been adopted into a standard range of products. The new Dalis Cyclorama batten is a great addition to the LED portfolio of Robert Juliat. This silent, fanless 300W wall wash luminaire combines unique optics with 8 colored LED emitters to create a huge variety of pastel and saturation. It has earned the PLASA Award for innovation in 2015 and its successor in 2016.

Follow Spots
Long considered the best followspots in the market, Robert Juliat’s followspots are used in every type of venue from the smallest cabaret to the largest stadium, for both touring and fixed shows throughout the world. These followspots are available in short or long throw versions and with different wattages and lamp types to suit every application.

Profile Range
Robert Juliat offers a comprehensive zoom range of profile lighting covering all angles, from the very wide needed for smaller venues and short throw applications to the very narrow long throw of large scale venues. The zoom lenses give flexibility to each unit and, combined with the quality of light offered, provide a product to fit all sized of budget, big and small.

Single Lens Luminaires